Wednesday, November 9
Herman Cain What to Believe
12:26 AM | Posted by
LibertryB4All |
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Updated with new info: Surprise woman who complained about Cain also complained and asked for thousands at next job. So far all the named accusers are serial litigators. Cain is now an example of what our overly litigious society can do to good people. AP Story about Karen Kraushaar being a serial work place extortionist.
Wow, journalism is dead. I just read a headline on MSNBC web says a Michigan woman sued Cain, 10 years ago. You would assume they found a new accuser. But it appears its referring to one of the two in the original claims which never went to court, guess their fact checker was out tonight?
This is where we stand:
Last week we had two complaints, with no details. Literally Politico said two women they could not name, made charges they could not clearly define. That's not a story. Smoking pot in college will do that to your editorial judgement.
Lets face it, Politico now has less credibility than the National Inquirer which had the John Edwards story while ethics for sale mainstream media was willing to let this guy campaign. Keep that in mind, solid evidence that a front running presidential candidate was cheating on his dying wife during the campaign was not worth looking at then. The media has gone past having some human bias to full on lies and propaganda for the political party of choice.
Until today we had no names, and still have no facts. But lets make it clear the original two charges are the ONLY ONES that matter. Because there was action taken then before accusations came with free trips to be on TV. Something did happen with these two women.
What do we know? Nothing.. Well we do know one thing. In both cases while the severance package was increased and the attorneys for these women didn't request to interview Herman Cain. That does tell us all we need to know, that while these woman may have been uncomfortable working for Herman Cain at some point, the attorney didn't even thing it was worth a few more billable hours to interview the person their client was accusing. That's all I need to know about that. I have never met an attorney, even the good ones that would avoid billable hours if might help their case.
Was there a misunderstanding? Did proper DC decorum clash with Cain's very friendly attitude. Did the women assume smiles and jokes means flirting for sex? Did liberals in DC have a problem working for a conservative like Cain? All we know is the claims they made didn't even warrant the attorney billing a couple of hours to interview Cain directly. What ever happened its not worth the web space lazy, mindless reporters have given it.
What about 3,4 & 5?
#3, still anonymous with no corroborating evidence, could be a copy cat. Again you can't choose a president based on "nothing" reports.
And 5 said when Cain asked to take a woman to dinner she was concerned, but then went to dinner with him herself along with some friend and he did nothing wrong but let the representative for the organization that booked him pick up the tab. When you travel, finding someone to have dinner with is normal. Frankly women like this will hurt others, because if this odd accusation got any traction, that is the end of inviting women to business dinners.. too risky since we have no idea what sets them off. When nothing happened, a sane person would have dropped it.
Let me avoid my personal opinions and jokes that come to easy watching her read and speak. Her story doesn't make sense. She was fired from one part of the company, so flew to DC, got a room upgrade, had drinks, had dinner and then told the CEO why she was there. If that is the order of events, I think we can guess how she might plan to get CEO to find her a new job. But right down to the "open shirt" stereotype that doesn't fit Cain but fits bad porn or a malt liquor ad to the "You want a Job" -- "You know I have a boyfriend" we begin to understand that writing dialog for porn is not so easy that a world class attorney can pull it off effectively.
The political pleas wrapped around a story designed to by liberal racists to offend what they assume are conservative racist was pathetic. Sharon Bialek has a history of litigation and bad choices. But only when added to her "giddy to be on TV" demeanor and poorly crafted story, does that background that lead me to assume the story is mostly or totally a fabrication. AND if the info on her I heard in an interview with a well respected CBS Anchor, that says she has a reputation back at his station is true we really can discount this one too. Here we find Bill Kurtis Audio about Sharon Bialek where he has learned details of her work at CBS.
What is Sharon getting? Fame, hope for a media gig, maybe a little cash from neighbor David Axelrod. (Ain't that a coincidence, she lives in same building as Obama attack machine leader David Axelrod) Who knows, I just know at first I thought Gloria Allred was accusing Cain of being blind.. OK sorry that was mean, there are bars where Sharon is attractive before midnight. Maybe
Final score:
Only two documented complaints the women's attorney didn't feel strong enough to pursue beyond a basic severance enhancement. And three copy cat "Me Too" claims.
How many of these women quickly without thinking, said they would be willing to take a lie detector? The speed with which Cain said yes to that question, tells me he is certain he is innocent.
BTW, to all those loyal GOP voters who are saying, well I like Cain, but he is damaged. If you let them take him down, this will happen to whoever we pick next October. I am still with Cain, and frankly how fast he is learning the politics of personal destruction.. tells me he will be a quick study for job that no one is really prepared for.
All I ask is you assume this is a political smear and judge Cain the same way you would have the day before this story broke, and make sure you watch video of the Cain vs Gingrich debate (really a discussion)
I am tired.. sorry for typos.. I will fix them later....Thanks for reading.
Wow, journalism is dead. I just read a headline on MSNBC web says a Michigan woman sued Cain, 10 years ago. You would assume they found a new accuser. But it appears its referring to one of the two in the original claims which never went to court, guess their fact checker was out tonight?
This is where we stand:
Last week we had two complaints, with no details. Literally Politico said two women they could not name, made charges they could not clearly define. That's not a story. Smoking pot in college will do that to your editorial judgement.
Lets face it, Politico now has less credibility than the National Inquirer which had the John Edwards story while ethics for sale mainstream media was willing to let this guy campaign. Keep that in mind, solid evidence that a front running presidential candidate was cheating on his dying wife during the campaign was not worth looking at then. The media has gone past having some human bias to full on lies and propaganda for the political party of choice.
Until today we had no names, and still have no facts. But lets make it clear the original two charges are the ONLY ONES that matter. Because there was action taken then before accusations came with free trips to be on TV. Something did happen with these two women.
What do we know? Nothing.. Well we do know one thing. In both cases while the severance package was increased and the attorneys for these women didn't request to interview Herman Cain. That does tell us all we need to know, that while these woman may have been uncomfortable working for Herman Cain at some point, the attorney didn't even thing it was worth a few more billable hours to interview the person their client was accusing. That's all I need to know about that. I have never met an attorney, even the good ones that would avoid billable hours if might help their case.
Was there a misunderstanding? Did proper DC decorum clash with Cain's very friendly attitude. Did the women assume smiles and jokes means flirting for sex? Did liberals in DC have a problem working for a conservative like Cain? All we know is the claims they made didn't even warrant the attorney billing a couple of hours to interview Cain directly. What ever happened its not worth the web space lazy, mindless reporters have given it.
What about 3,4 & 5?
#3, still anonymous with no corroborating evidence, could be a copy cat. Again you can't choose a president based on "nothing" reports.
And 5 said when Cain asked to take a woman to dinner she was concerned, but then went to dinner with him herself along with some friend and he did nothing wrong but let the representative for the organization that booked him pick up the tab. When you travel, finding someone to have dinner with is normal. Frankly women like this will hurt others, because if this odd accusation got any traction, that is the end of inviting women to business dinners.. too risky since we have no idea what sets them off. When nothing happened, a sane person would have dropped it.
writing dialog for porn is not so easy that a world class attorney can pull it off effectively.So that takes us to #4,
Let me avoid my personal opinions and jokes that come to easy watching her read and speak. Her story doesn't make sense. She was fired from one part of the company, so flew to DC, got a room upgrade, had drinks, had dinner and then told the CEO why she was there. If that is the order of events, I think we can guess how she might plan to get CEO to find her a new job. But right down to the "open shirt" stereotype that doesn't fit Cain but fits bad porn or a malt liquor ad to the "You want a Job" -- "You know I have a boyfriend" we begin to understand that writing dialog for porn is not so easy that a world class attorney can pull it off effectively.
The political pleas wrapped around a story designed to by liberal racists to offend what they assume are conservative racist was pathetic. Sharon Bialek has a history of litigation and bad choices. But only when added to her "giddy to be on TV" demeanor and poorly crafted story, does that background that lead me to assume the story is mostly or totally a fabrication. AND if the info on her I heard in an interview with a well respected CBS Anchor, that says she has a reputation back at his station is true we really can discount this one too. Here we find Bill Kurtis Audio about Sharon Bialek where he has learned details of her work at CBS.
What is Sharon getting? Fame, hope for a media gig, maybe a little cash from neighbor David Axelrod. (Ain't that a coincidence, she lives in same building as Obama attack machine leader David Axelrod) Who knows, I just know at first I thought Gloria Allred was accusing Cain of being blind.. OK sorry that was mean, there are bars where Sharon is attractive before midnight. Maybe
Final score:
Only two documented complaints the women's attorney didn't feel strong enough to pursue beyond a basic severance enhancement. And three copy cat "Me Too" claims.
How many of these women quickly without thinking, said they would be willing to take a lie detector? The speed with which Cain said yes to that question, tells me he is certain he is innocent.
BTW, to all those loyal GOP voters who are saying, well I like Cain, but he is damaged. If you let them take him down, this will happen to whoever we pick next October. I am still with Cain, and frankly how fast he is learning the politics of personal destruction.. tells me he will be a quick study for job that no one is really prepared for.
All I ask is you assume this is a political smear and judge Cain the same way you would have the day before this story broke, and make sure you watch video of the Cain vs Gingrich debate (really a discussion)
I am tired.. sorry for typos.. I will fix them later....Thanks for reading.
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