Saturday, November 12

postheadericon CBS Debate - National Shame In So Many Ways

Lets be honest they didn't even really give Ron Paul enough time to hang himself with his "Let them have nukes and they will be nice" view of the middle east.

Then CBS lets locals leave after an hour?  In Seattle the local mercenaries at KIRO cut away for a local news cast they will repeat 2-3 times this evening.  Because there is more money in that than the future of the nation.

Finally, I don't care about the CBS moderator's name.. he was the WORST moderator yet.  It was about how many new questions he could ask, not letting us hear different views on the same question.

And clearly the clock mattered more to him than the future of the nation.

I think they all did fine.  All but Ron Paul would be better than Obama on foreign policy.

FACT: More news reporters have been waterboarded for news stories on the topic than terrorists.  Anyone really think news reporters would volunteer for real torture?  'nough said.

The CBS debate is not worth writing about because it was so badly designed and moderated it made it hard for anything but short sound bits.

Winner:  The clock
Loser: America