Saturday, October 8

postheadericon Lets Talk about Herman Cain

It’s been a while since I have written.  Family and job searching, then job starting all takes a ton of time.  But I have a moment and I wanted to talk about Herman Cain.
Early on I was drawn to him.  I like his attitude; we need someone who looks at America and smiles, even when times are tough.   Cain doesn't do this because some focus group measured how much smile would help him, he does it because he has seen how bad it can get and he has seen what work and faith can create.

Cain's Life Matters
Herman Cain didn't grow up in the isolation of the tropical paradise of Hawaii or even the comfort of an establish political family.  He grew up in the cold, hard ugly that was the segregated south.  He hasn't had it easy, he has worked his way to success by being smart and getting along with people, even as he changed what need to be changed to turn around struggling businesses. He earned his success from real action, not charisma and politics. Then after all that success he was hit with multi-organ stage-four cancer.  I am a firm believer that attitude is key to surviving the attack of cancer then the poison of drugs that are used to kill it.  It is a measure of a person to survive and then take on life without fear.
I hear stuffed shirts like Bill O'Reilly dismiss him because of his lack of governmental experience.    This lack of vision has made me angry; I hated it when people like O’Reilly censor poll results because they don’t see what is possible. I apologize to Bill for some of my tweets, but he really abdicated his obligations for a while when it came to reporting Cain’s successes. Report the news honestly, then tells us what you think I am fine with that, but don’t hide the news you don’t like.
What Bill and others in all the media outlets seem to miss is that the government is only about 25% of the economy.  Yet no one questions electing someone who has never worked outside the government.  Today, we need someone who understands the other 75%.   They can hire someone who has worked in politics to advise them how to get real solutions passed.

Cain's Vision and View of Himself Matters
If I got the idea that Cain on his election would erect roman columns and stand alone on a stage as if HE won without the hard work of thousands and as if HE was smart enough to know it all, I might be worried.  But Cain clearly is comfortable with his own skin and with his limitations and is running to save the nation for his grand-kids, not as some teenage fantasy of success to fulfill. He is there because he feels a need the nation has, not because he needs to prove something.
He knows what he wants, a strong America that is loyal to its allies and an economy that can grow and offer opportunity to everyone on their terms, not the terms of a government program.  A smart man with a clear vision, who is honest, can build a team to get things done.
Both of those key visions are missing from our current president and even from some of the GOP candidates.

Where I Disagree
Do I agree with him on everything? of course not. 
I think he is smart to watch for the slow creep of Sharia law into our system, like it has in parts of Europe.  BUT I think he has over stated the problem and has gotten off message.  I suspect most Muslim immigrants are here because they can worship in their one faith without fear of attack from a competing sect of Islam, just as the pilgrims came here to avoid persecution by other Christians.  And most of those who choose the faith as Americans are just looking for a relationship with God that works for them.  For many Muslims the politicization and even militarization of Islam is as big a problem for them as it is for us watching on the outside.  It’s too easy to use broad language that sweeps these devout Americans into the wrong part of the discussion.  BTW, when a Muslim is elected I expect him to swear his oath on the Quran as I want the oath to protect our Constitution be sworn on what he olds holy in his life.
I also am very libertarian on Gay rights.  The legal term of “marriage” is woven throughout our laws and contracts.  It is a waste of money to rewrite everything to say "marriage and domestic partnership.”  Gays who want to commit and create a legal bond in their relationships should be able to do that.  But only if it comes from a vote of the people or an elected legislative body, it’s too important a change for judicial fiat. 
That said, I understand concerns people have in trying to protect marriage.  But the assault on marriage is not coming from people who value it, and are different from us.  It comes from those that avoid it and raise children without the protections and commitment of marriage and those that change spouses as often as they buy a new home.  And while I respect the faith of those that I disagree with politically on this issue, I ask that you at least get honest in your reasons.  "Biblical marriage" is often one man and several women, but I don't see you working for polygamy.  This is about what you feel is best for marriage and what you feel God wants from you.  The problem is the government is not God, and has not been since we got rid of the monarchy so let’s not return to that idea of the government enforcing the laws of God. 
I hope Cain is smart enough to know the Constitution is best when it limits the federal government’s reach, not when it is used to enforce a unified standard.  Marriage is an issue for the states, not an issue for our Constitution.

Back to Cain
This nation is depressed and scared.  Its current leader only shows passion when he is attacking other Americans for political gain.  Much like Reagan, who showed us a new morning in America, I think Cain can show us the light breaking at the end of this storm.
Humans are flawed; some give and some are selfish.  Some are honest and some are crooked.  Sometimes we see angels among us and sometimes humans create evil.
What the founding fathers knew is that liberty allows for us to adapt to our failings and that the opportunity for great success only happens when there is opportunity for failure.  Each time we have tried to either engineer the race to perfection as in the progressive eugenics movements of the early 20th century or tried to engineer the society as in the Soviet Union or even a socialized Europe we create failure, because we also control the greatness that we can achieve.

What I See in Herman Cain
In Cain I see someone who knows this truth.  He sees the greatness in all Americans and might even feel anger when some are "brainwashed" to believe their only hope is a strong, controlling government.  He knows from his own life that even in the face of what can be cruel circumstances, Americans can achieve greatness when they are accountable to themselves and their community.
When Cain speaks, I hear the voice of an America that has seen hard times but knows it can be great again when it puts aside fear and once again is excited by the idea that we can do the impossible.  Cain is trying to do the impossible, put a child once told to drink from a "coloreds only" water fountain into the White House as the leader of the free world.

I am excited about doing the impossible and support Herman Cain as our best choice for President in 2012.