Tuesday, October 18

postheadericon Learning who the GOP Liars Are in Nevada Debate!!

I had to pause the debate and write this I was so mad at Bachmann and Sanatorum.

Bachmann and Santorum just fell off their high moral road with lies meant to scare people about the 999 Plan.  We have a 35% corperate tax on profits now, loaded with special interest credits and deals paid for by lobbyists.  Cain wants to take it to 9% without all the credits and loopholes and tax business profits.

A VAT tax taxes good and services adding to the cost of doing busines before profits.  It has nothing in common with Herman's Corp. Tax.  Bachmann was either a very bad tax attorney, or she bore false wittiness against Herman Cain tonight making her a Faux Christian.

Santorum who I had lots of respect for even if I disagreed with him on some social stands, joined in the lies tonight.  Morality is not what you do when things are easy, its what you choose when things are tough and both Sen. Santorum and Rep. Bachmann chose to lie.

Frankly the GOP should be done with them for all offices.  If there is a GOP challenger in her congressional district I will be donating to get the liar out of congress.

Lying about 999 to scare people when you are out of the race in reality is just helping Obama if Cain is the nominee and getting in the way of real tax reform for whoever wins.  All to feed their personal egos.

I have as much respect for any GOP candidate willing to lie in a primary against another candidate as I have for Al Gore.. NONE!!