Thursday, October 21

postheadericon The Liberation of Juan Williams

Being a conservative-libertarian leaning person who sees excessive government as a real problem I am going to disagree with Mr. Juan Williams more often than not.

Any person who has watched Juan in verbal battle on Fox News Sunday and other Fox News programming knows he has a unique style.  He is passionate while charming, he is steadfast while respectful.  Juan Williams is something I will never attain someone who has reached the nearly perfect balance of political passion with civility and class.

I was watching last Monday when Juan made his statement about feeling discomfort when those who choose to dress in Muslim attire share the plane with him.  I thought, “Wow that was honest.”  Juan Williams admitted that his gut reacts before his better-self kicks in.  But that is Juan, honest and willing to speak his mind.

Without a well crafted façade of political correctness, Juan is someone you have to listen to with respect even when you are sure he is totally wrong.  Why? because Juan isn’t faking it, he isn’t spinning for some other group to curry favor he is telling you how he sees it.

Juan Williams is at times very intimate with his audiences. There may be marriages that don’t share the level of sincere honesty that Juan chooses to share with his colleagues and viewers.

Today, Juan Williams was liberated from the prison of NPR liberal PC dogma. Today NPR showed it has a double standard.  That its OK for Nina Totenberg to wish AIDS on someone’s grandchildren, it is ok for her to lament that there are moderates in the Democrat party.  All this as she pretends to be a news correspondent for NPR.  Yet Williams as an analyst can not share a personal secret in an attempt to expand the dialog on what creates prejudice.

Ironically, Obama was willing to share this secret about his grandmother. Jessie Jackson once shared that even he at times felt uncomfortable when encountering black youth on the street.  What does this mean?  It means Obama’s grandma, Jessie Jackson and Juan Williams are human.  They they have a survival instinct that happens faster than the mind can insert reason.

Of course most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorism in the last two decades has been carried out in the name of Islam and that creates a pattern that few can ignore.  Juan is self-aware enough to know he has a reaction, he is honest enough to share that awareness. Outside of NPR anyone who has listened to Juan speak, knows he personally empowered enough to choose to treat people he meets as individuals and to fight for their right not to labeled with the horrific actions of others.

Many in the left will be cruel to Juan and CAIR has again outed itself as an enemy of the kind of discussion that can help us understand the true diversity of Muslim attitudes in America.  And again, Fox News wins as it is there to offer Juan a greater roll in expressing a view that goes counter to its editorial slant.

At NPR the kool-aid will be flowing strong. At Fox News Juan will now be free to share himself and work to bridge the ideological gap without worrying that one of his employers will be upset.  Juan is someone who can help us understand that liberals and conservatives all can share a love for America and have different views about how to fulfill its dream.  Today he is liberated from the “head in the sand” liberals at NPR and can now show us Liberalism in its best and most honorable form.

My only fear is that this truly nice man might actually win some people over to his views because of his respectful charm.  Its easy to dislike and dismiss the shrill cat calls of most left-wing commentators. It is never easy to dismiss Juan. Even when he is wrong, he will always have my respect.

Juan Williams, congratulations on your new found freedom to speak your truth where we can listen.