Friday, October 1

postheadericon Jerry Brown Says Don't Trust Your Hispanic Workers!

UPDATE: See Gloria Alred Destroyed by superior legal mind Greta Van Susteren (Video Below)

[Greta gets it 100% right, but worse I think this fake attack on Whitman teaches people the right policy with Hispanics is to not trust their documents anymore. 

I want immigration fixed, but I would not want to break up Nicki Diaz's family, which could happen because of how Democrats are using her. And I sure has heck don't want to make life harder for Americans of Hispanic descent. America's promise of for all citizens and legal immigrants, we are a better nation because of what legal immigrants bring here.  

My Original Blog Follows] 

Democrat Jerry Brown's attack dog, Gloria Alred, in an attempt to help her retread friend return to his glory days, has launched a campaign to make life harder for hard working Hispanics in California including the millions that are citizens and legal immigrants.  How do we know this? Would Democrats be running this smear attack if Meg Whitman's former housekeeper was Scandinavian?

Democrats Attack Whitman for Trusting a Hispanic
They are attacking Meg Whitman for hiring a Hispanic woman, paying her $23 an hour for nine years and accepting her employment papers as genuine.  She didn't pay her a low rate. She didn't forget to pay her taxes. She didn't pay her under the table.  Democrats are attacking Meg Whitman for treating her Hispanic house keeper like an American!

Democrats Explain How Employers Can Avoid Legal Action When Employing Hispanics
What is the real message employers are hearing from the Democrats in California?   Employers are hearing anytime you hire a Hispanic you should do a deep background check or you are placing yourself at risk of being sued.  Democrats are saying that it is wrong to trust a Hispanic when they say they are here legally and sign thier name legally to attest to that fact. Democrats are saying the first time you get any paper asking for information about a Hispanic worker, you should assume they are illegal and fire them right away.

Whitman Failed By Not Assuming Dias was Illegal
If Meg Whitman had racially profiled Nicki Diaz and made a deeper check of her identity she would not be under attack.  If they would have racially profiled and assumed clerical letters from Social Security which are "just paper work" for most Americans must be a red flag for Hispanics, they would not be under attack now.

If you are Hispanic in California, you had better have all your papers correct and make sure there are no mistakes on your computer records, because you can be sure employers, especially employers of domestic workers are getting the message Democrats are sending.  The message is being sent to money seeking attorneys statewide.  Every copycat low class attorney will be using Gloria Alred as template for new lawsuits against people who hire Hispanics.

The fear of copycat legal actions may lead many good people to require extra documentation from Hispanics just to get and keep a job.

Meg Whitman Treated Nicki Diaz Like An American
It was the Republican that paid Nick Diaz $23 an hour and paid all the proper taxes.  It was the Republican that allowed Nicki Diaz to bring her sick child to work. It was the Republican that did the minimum under the law when she learned Nicki Diaz was not here legally and did not report her long-time employee to immigration.

Democrats Treat Nick Diaz Like a Pawn
It is the Democrat that is saying employers who don't distrust the word and signature of Hispanics are now open to legal attacks. It is the Democrat that thinks it makes sense to do more background checks on Hispanics than one would expect for other American workers.  It is the Democrat that has now publicly identified Nick Diaz as here illegally. They have told the world that Nicki Diaz committed fraud to get her job.  It is the Democrats that may get her deported.

Jerry Brown is willing to teach Californians to distrust Hispanics, so he can win an election for a job he walked away from years ago to seek greater power.

New Video Added to Original Blog
Go Greta!!