Sunday, September 19

postheadericon Is CBS Slandering "Dangerious" Teaparty Children?

I'll keep this short. I am feeling pretty disgusted if what I think I am seeing is true:

CBS has released new promos of the much hyped Justin Bieber CSI episode. This will be opener for season eleven.  You have to watch closely but in a couple of the clips we see flashes of a meeting with an American flag and the words "Freedom" on a banner at the side.
To me it clearly shows a teenager who is or has family in a "patriot" group turning to terrorism with bombs that kill police etc. Spoiler web interviews already tell us Bieber is the bomber.

The formula for shows like CSI is to usually echo what is in the news.  Tell me who was the last one to try to blow up something in the USA.  It wasn't a clean cut looking kid in a patriot group, it was Jihad wannabe in NYC.

Watch the Promos: One running on CBS television that I can't find on net yet, has clear shot of a man speaking before a flag, then cuts to bomb blasts.

Watch... Decide on Your Own... then if think this is a slander of conservative / Teaparty teenagers.  Call the sponsors etc.  This kind of thing is pathetic. Cowards attack and slander children.

Watch CSI Clips Here:  (also watch for CSI clip in TV)


The episode aired and was just as a predicted.  
Watch Full Episode HERE:

I was right and Fox News finally covered this story AFTER the episode aired.  

For me when TV fiction goes to full propaganda I am out.  In the case of CSI we stopped watching years ago, but I had been looking forward to the new Jimmy Smits "Outlaw" series until a saw a clip that made it clear they were going to use dishonest information to attack the Arizona Illegal Immigration law.   Based on ratings it appears many of us avoided that show.  Keep your eyes open.  This will only get worse.

See how Megyn Kelly covered this topic: