Wednesday, November 3

postheadericon GOP see your future, Teaparty learn to Vet Democrats beware progressives

The message of last night's election is pretty clear.  America does not like they way Democrats lead by Pelosi and Obama ruled the land from on high.  The message to the Republicans is don't give us fake conservatives. The message to the Tea Party is vet your candidates better! Agreeing is just not enough, learning some personal editing and decorum is needed also.

Lets talk about Delaware.  O'Donnell losing probably says more about Delaware having standards for candidate credentials higher than say the fools in Minnesota.  This is the state that elected Jessie Ventura and Al Franken.  Al Franken is no more qualified to be in the Senate than O'Donnell and yet there he sits. Problem was Castle was ready to "cross the isle" and be Obama's fig leaf on some key issues, and exit polls show he was not a sure thing either.  We need to make it clear to America what the Democrat progressives own and not add a single name to the list from the GOP.

We can all smile that the face of the Democrats in the Senate is Harry Reid and Al Franken, that should be easy to run against in 2012.  Harry is now impotent, with Nancy gone and the jar she kept his man treasure in gone with her

Unlike some conservatives, I am not opposed to crossing the isle if they are meeting me half-way.  For me as a libertarian thinker, Obama is a nightmare.  He is a progressive, which is not the same as a liberal.  Progressives are about power, personal power and agenda power.  If you look at his agenda it always skews to more control for him, for government, and for his operatives in the unions. This is why he is pro-war and slow to deal with "don't ask don't tell."  This is why he removed the ability of poor kids in DC to have a shot at the same schools his daughters are in.  This is why he has admitted that he knows raising tax rates can hurt real tax revenue for his programs, but he wants it more fair (meaning "let me spend the money").  This is why he has over and over in real action curried favored to Wall Street and helped them recover while many of us are out of work.

Liberals have a desire for more liberty and a feeling that we can all just get along if you buy everyone a free lunch and hug.  That is an over simplification for course, but it is very different from the use of government money to buy votes and favors to gain power vs trying to actually help people who are down and out.  If Democrat liberals are wondering what happened, its simple.  You mistook progressives offers of gifts paid for with the money of others for an actual social conscience.  This is why things like gay rights, help for illegal immigrants who you see as Americans in waiting and Gitmo have had nothing but lip service. Obama and Pelosi don't care about these as they don't advance real power.  They have gained a lot of power from fighting rules asking for proof of citizenship in voting, and they know that pushing too hard on amnesty will cost power from other places so they pretend to care and that is where it stops.

Finally, if you look at what they forced through the congress related to health care.  They did not guarantee coverage so much as guaranteeing that we will all pay more for coverage.  Unions may not see this until their next contract, but your benefits will cost you more in real pay to keep and soon Obamacare will tax you for having such nice plans,  What the bill did do is let the progressives tell us what we can't choose like lower cost plans and health savings accounts.  In the bill they protected control and took away more choice.

Now Republicans need to be clear on what they want to do.  Health care needs some changes.  Insurance companies have violated morals by using technicalities to remove people in crisis.  Their executives do make too much for what they do.  And we as a people do have a moral obligation to make sure there is access to basic and emergency health care for all our people.  Some of this should be the work of active shareholders who need to police pay for executives with votes from their shares.  But some of this might take government, because morals do have a place in government.  However, anyone who knows the reality of "free" government health care knows it is not a moral choice.  (I am close to someone who lost a friend waiting for a test in a good UK hospital, but still his access was slower than in the US.)

GOP HEAR US NOW!!! This is not about you spending on your projects or even you legislating your social agenda where it limits the rights of others.  This is about liberating our economic engine so there is real opportunity for success for all, not a system of Washington DC choosing winners and losers.  Let the people choose.

The Tea Party was smart in not going the third party route.  But the GOP needs to know they failed in what they had become and only succeeded with Tea Party principles of fiscal restraint and expanded power to the individual.  The new GOP needs to stand tough, because it will take years of real restraint to let the economy catch up to the size of government and the debt.

Even today Obama is talking about debt and credit cards for the next generation.   The shopping spree is over!! The truely needy need protection, but programs like we have had here in WA state that helped families making almost 90K buy homes must end.  Things like that just inflate the market and raise prices for everyone.

I am sad to say in Washington State the Kool-aid is still potent. But also the GOP candidate, Rossi, while a generally good man, doesn't get it.  He did not utilize the grass roots of the Tea Party and he ran the same campaign he ran that split the state and cost him the governors race twice.  Both the "I always vote (D)" crowd and the state GOP need to realize no more politics as usual.

My last message:  This is just the start!  Democrats you need to take your party back from the progressives and get it back to where it can work with a strong free market to empower all people and help the needy without punishing success.